75% of all coupon users are people who fall into the $20,000-50,000 income bracket.

It is amazing that something as insignificant as a coupon, could hold the key to your financial well being. What if you could pay off debt, take a family vacation, or even save for a downpayment on a home? Would you take the time to use that $1.00 off coupon? Well the Coupon Diva is going to show you how to manipulate your grocery budget, and pay as little as possible. You have taken the first step by visiting the site, here you will learn the basics what you do next is up to you. Check the tab Saving Seminars for dates and times.

Click and Print your coupons NOW


Coupon Classes

I teach coupon classes to groups as small as 5. The session usually last 1-2 hours depending on questions and discussions.

In the class I elaborate on the importance of circular savings, stacking and stockpiling, meal planning and maximizing savings . I also provide copies of the grocery list that I use, price logs that aid in paying the lowest price for common items.

I have taught numerous classes, and I have had several people attend more than one, and each person has said that they learn something new in each class. Either through the Q & A session or simply because they have began the adventure of couponing and are ready to accept new steps. I myself learn new things all the time, and as I learn them I continue to incorporate them into my classes.

Classes do not have to be formal, I have taught them in rotating sessions at a neighborhood festival before. If you have a group of friends that get together on Friday nights for dinner, that can be a coupon class. At some point I will start to do webinars, so that I can reach out to different cities and states.

The classes need to be scheduled at least 1 week in advance. As with any of my classes, the hostess or group coordinator 's session is free. If you are interested in holding a class, please contact me at supermarketcurrency@hotmail.com.

Intro to Coupons
This is a free session, basically the blog, that you can read the different topics in order to get more familiar with the concept of couponing.

Couponing 101
In this class you will be taught the different types of coupons, catalinas, and rebates. I will show you how to maximaize savings by compiling a meal plan, and stacking store sales with manufacturer coupons. You will receive a beginners coupon book, full of handouts, links to websites that will help you to save on things other than groceries, and of course coupons. The average person cuts their bill by at least 40% on their first trip after the class.

The cost for this class is $25/person

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